Crimp depth of a finished shotshell reload is an important dimension to monitor for consistent ballistics and safe loads. This is one adjustment on a shotshell loading machine that is easy to overlook. An example of the correct crimp is what is found on factory loads. If your reload crimp is too loose (not enough crimp depth), it will hurt ballistic uniformity. A crimp that is too tight (too deep) can increase ballistics more than what is expected from the reload data. All shotshell reload data on the Hodgdon website has been created using an average crimp depth of 0.055".
As an example, here are ballistic test results of a standard 7/8-oz, 12-gauge load when crimp depths are varied:
Crimp Depth | Velocity | Chamber Pressure |
0.030" (too loose) | 1,308 fps | 9,300 psi |
0.050" (normal reload crimp) | 1,329 fps | 10,500 psi |
0.070" (too tight) | 1,351 fps | 11,900 psi |
0.090" (very tight crimp) | 1,363 fps | 13,100 psi |
This data was created in the Hodgdon Ballistics Laboratory under controlled conditions, and only the top two loads show pressures that stay within the SAAMI industry standard of 11,500 psi.
Εδώ βλέπουμε τι επιτυγχάνεται με αύξηση την βάθους χείλους ρελιού. Αυξάνεται η πίεση, αυξάνεται και η ταχύτητα. ΔΗΛΑΔΗ με την ίδια πυρίτιδα, αυξάνουμε ταχύτητα.
Φυσικά και ένα χαλαρά αρέλιαστο φυσίγγι θα δίνει ανομοιόμορφες επιδόσεις, αλλά δεν αναφέρθηκα σε "κουδουνίστρες". Προτιμώ να αυξήσω τη πυρίτιδα και ταχύτητα με απλό ρηχό χείλος, παρά να αυξήσω τις πιέσεις, ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΑ αν το όπλο μου αντέχει τις συγκινήσεις.
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